B.P. 2985
Lomé - Togo



Maternelle / Early Years - +228 22 21 41 86

Primaire / Primary School - +228 22 21 13 44

Secondaire / Seconary - +228 22 22 03 29

Heures d'ouverture / Opening hours: Lundi à Vendredi / Monday to Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Samedi / Saturday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Rue Défalé
Lomé, Région maritime,


Arc-en-Ciel International School is a private school in Lomé offering quality education in French and English from Kindergarten to High School as well as boarding facilities. It is an accredited IB (International Baccalaureate) World School authorised to deliver the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP) in French and English. The school is a Candidate school for the Primary Years Programme (PYP) at primary and kindergarden levels.

Its Mission: "Develop leaders able to serve and improve the world". To achieve this goal, we develop their intellectual and moral capacities to become agents of development in their community.


Admission Process old

The registration Requests for each of the three sections of the school are processed at the respective secretariats. We invite you to browse the site to discover the life of the school and the various programs that we offer and submit an information request form.

The Admissions team is at your disposal for further information or to arrange a visit to one of our sections. We examine each admission individually and with written confirmation of its good reception. The placement of the student depends on various factors, such as:

  • her/his previous schooling
  • changes already made during schooling
  • spoken languages
  • ultimate objectives
  • maturity and age


Admission process

To enable managers to conduct the evaluation of the student, we thank you to accurately complete the application form and provide the following documents:

  • School reports of the last two years (in French or English)
  • Brief handwritten writing by the student to introduce your child and describe his interests centers. (Please avoid any external help)
  • If the child is not yet writing, he/she must provide a drawing (self-portrait) with his/her name.
  • Recent passport photo
  • Photocopy of an official document indicating the date of birth for children up to 5 years of age (children 5 years old by August 31 of the year of desired entry)

Note that :

  • The admission procedure may only be processed if your child's file is complete.
  • No fees shall be charged for filing an application.
  • An admission application may be filed at any time.
  • You can find more information on the admissions process, including its stages, to the "Other procedures".


registration form 

registration contract

documents to provide

medical form


other procedures

Entry in September

In October the year before ,  an email is sent to all parents asking them to confirm their interest for a spot in September. With the confirmation letter completed, the following documents must be sent to the secretariat to complete the record: report cards of the previous two years, the school report for the first quarter of the current year, a written essay or a drawing, recent photo and a photocopy of an official document indicating the date of birth for children up to 5 years of age (children 5 years of age on August 31 of the year of desired entry). Applications received after the end of October must be complete to be processed immediately.

Offer and confirmations of spots

Most spots are available after the re-registration process completed (early April). All spots are initially available by phone or email. If you accept our offer, contract registration is sent and must be returned within a period of about a week to confirm the place. The spot is provided upon receipt of registration fee and contribution to Development Fund (see "Financial Terms").

Keeping the student on the admission list (September)

At the end of September, an email will be sent to parents that have not confirmed their wish to remain on our list for admission during the course of the school year or defer their application to the following year. If the email is not answered, the application will be canceled.

Entry during the school year

Depending on the number of places available, new students may be admitted throughout the school year. Applications for admission must be complete. (See above).

No entry is possible after 1 May and the entry date on the contract must be respected.

The principal may at any time request a meeting with the student or to get more information. He is the only one judge of whether to accept a student. If a student is not admitted, the parents will be informed by the principal.

Availability of SPOTS / Communication between April and August

Spots are available on a first come first serve basis. However, it is impossible to predict when and how many spots are available.

In the summer, some parents may choose to place their children in other schools, thereby reducing the waiting list. If that is the case, we kindly ask to inform us as soon as possible so we can update our waiting list.



To download the registration form click here