Health and safety
ARC-EN-CIEL International School gives special attention to the health and safety of its students and staff members, aiming to maximise their wellbeing as part of its mission. A nurse is also part of the staff of the school to ensure constant provision of professional health assistance.
Health and safety at AEC is the responsibility of the Director General, the Directors of each section and all employees of the school. At section level, the overall responsibility lies with the department heads and staff (technical service campus, nurses, etc ...) directly under their responsibility. Some general guidelines already exist and are summarized below. It is the responsibility of department heads to develop procedures in accordance with these guidelines and monitor on their implementation.
Health committees and campus safety
Each campus has a health and security committee whose members include principals, teachers, nurses, administrative staff and technical staff on campus. The mandate and composition of these committees should be published and meetings to be recorded. The annual report for the Committee on Health and Safety of the Foundation Board shall include a summary of the issues discussed and actions proposed by each campus committee.
Policies and guidelines of the school
Detailed crisis guidelines exist. The group responsible for crisis management meets periodically, according to a predetermined schedule, to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and review the actions to be implemented in the event that different types of crisis would occur. However, the schoolfocuses on crisis prevention. This results in the establishment of numerous committees for each business area and a fluid enough coordination between the tasks of these committees.
These guidelines are updated periodically to adapt to the dynamic reality that characterizes the school.
AEC International School maintains good relationships with other international schools in Lome as well as with local schools. This is reflected in invitations and participation in a variety of events organized by these schools. Similarly, the school organizes events and invites external parties.
Good and regular relations are held also with diplomatic representations and embassies in Lome, in particular with Security Officers so to exchange and apply best measures for the safety of students according to the situation in the country.
Links with public health authorities
The school has a direct and close relationship with the competent public health authorities of the city of Lomé and consults regularly on the procedures to be adopted for all health issues. The school is not obliged to follow the rules established for public schools, but follows all guidelines and meets all the requirements that the State may issue from time to time, concerning private schools. All new students admitted to the school must provide a medical certificate before his arrival. He must also complete a medical form attesting to all required vaccinations in Togo.
The school also has a formal relation with a local physician from whom advice is sought, if necessary.